A Beginner’s Guide To Set Up A VPN

If you want to improve your cybersecurity, access geo-restricted content, torrent safely, or prevent identity theft, a VPN is an excellent tool. Learn how to set up and use a VPN on your Android device.

A VPN protects your data by encrypting and tunnelling it through secure servers. This makes it much harder for hackers, websites that track you, hotspot operators, and even your internet service provider to see what you’re doing online.

What is a VPN?

A VPN is an essential tool for anyone concerned about privacy. A good VPN can hide your browsing habits, encrypt your traffic and even disguise your location from content providers and advertisers. But you need to be careful with the quality of your choice and use it in combination with other cybersecurity tools like a secure messaging app.

When you connect to the internet without a VPN, your ISP hands over all of your web traffic, including your search terms, pages visited and uploads and downloads, to whatever website you’re visiting. And since your IP address is visible to the web, anyone who knows how to look can track your activity. With a VPN, all of your traffic goes through the VPN server first and is encrypted in a tunnel so no one can see what you’re doing online.

A VPN also provides an extra layer of security from hackers who try to intercept your data by hacking into the network you’re on (a technique called packet sniffing or man-in-the-middle attacks). It can also help people in countries with repressive regimes get around internet censorship by making it difficult for them to be traced based on their geographic location. This allows investigative journalists and others to communicate freely, without risk of arrest or imprisonment.

How to set up a VPN on your Android device

There are a few different ways to set up a VPN on your Android device. The easiest way is to use a VPN service that offers a dedicated app for Android. This will give you the most control over your online privacy and security. When choosing a VPN, make sure that it has good customer reviews and mobile capabilities.

Once you have chosen a VPN, download and install the app. Open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your connection. This will usually involve entering some information that is supplied by your VPN service provider. If you are unsure what to enter, contact your VPN service and ask for help.

Once your VPN is connected, all of your data will be encrypted before it leaves your device. This means that only the VPN server can see what you are doing on the web. This makes it much harder for hackers to steal your data. A best vpn can also be used to protect your privacy while using public Wi-Fi networks at home or at work. To set up a VPN in this way, go to your Wi-Fi settings and tap on Network & Internet. Then tap on VPN and select your preferred network. From here you can also turn on Always-on VPN and Block connections without VPN.


Yael Grauer is a Wirecutter privacy and security writer who has covered these topics for Wired, Vice, BreakerMag, Slate/Future Tense, and Ars Technica. She also co-organized events and wrote curricula for TrollBusters, a just-in-time rescue service for journalists facing online harassment. Before joining Wirecutter, she covered technology for The New York Times.

While VPNs can improve your privacy, you’ll get far more value out of your subscription if you address other areas of vulnerability first—such as using a password manager or installing a firewall. It’s also critical to choose a premium VPN that prioritizes your privacy, uses strong encryption protocols, offers reliable connection speeds, and has extensive server networks. Finally, it’s essential to test your chosen VPN’s speed and streaming quality during free trials and check its platform support across multiple devices. And don’t forget to read its policies on data retention, refunds, and other important factors. The right VPN can greatly improve your Internet experience.